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We don't have commission provided to the agent because our fees are lower in this market. Also, our service fee is 20%-50% discount off for EDUPRCHINA 1-7 star agent.
Our application fee is 500rmb/each student for one school. 800rmb/each student for 2 schools.
As for service fee, it depends on the scholarhip, 140usd to 500usd. And you will have 20%-50% discount off on service fee if your are EDUPRHCINA 1-7 star agent.
Top-up application fee in your EDUPRCHINA wallet in advance to be EDUPRCHINA star agent and use it as students’ application fee when help students apply scholarship.
Top up 438USD (3070rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be1 star agent and enjoy 20% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 1460USD (10224rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 2 star agent and enjoy 25% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 3578USD (25050rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 3 star agent and enjoy 30% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 7144USD (50100rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 4 star agent and enjoy 35% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 14314USD (100200rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 5 star agent and enjoy 40% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 28627USD (200390rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 6 star agent and enjoy 45% dicsount off on service fee.
Top up 35784USD (250488rmb) in EDUPRCHINA wallet to be 7 star agent and enjoy 50% dicsount off on service fee.